Eco-Sanctuary in Spain | Pyrenees | Can Lliure

The Farm

From soil to plate...

The Farm

From soil to plate. No plastic Waste. 100% organic. Local.

Support a Regenerative local Enterprise, direct Farmer to Consumer Relationship, No plastic Waste, 100% Organic Local Produce.

Beyond Organic minimum tillage, small-scale intensive regenerative vegetable production area on about 1000 m2 that has allowed us to reach self sufficiency in terms of vegetables, for ourselves, our workshops and visitors as well as to generate a surplus sold to our neighboring project, Ponte Valenti.

Home Grown Nourishment

Quality and nutritional integrity... not quantity!

Our aim is not to produce Quantity only but our main concern is about Quality and Nutritional Integrity! We are dedicated to produce Nutrient Dense High quality fresh Organic produce. When all necessary mineral elements are present in the proper ratio together with a diverse soil food web, the organism, be it microbial, plant, animal, or human, can function according to its maximum genetic potential and achieve radiant health. Minerals and Microorganisms are the foundation of life. Minerals provide the building blocks from which the soil or body can produce the other requirements necessary for proper growth and functioning.

The wonder of nature’s design is it’s propensity for self-healing. Ecosystems and Our bodies are designed for self-healing if supported by complete nutrition (mineral balance, diverse soil food web, structured water, oxygen, sunlight, etc.)

Regenerative Agroforestry

A diversified Fruit and nut orchard using tools like Syntropic Agroforestry and Forest Garden Principles on about 1000 m2.We have a diversity of Trees like:

Walnuts, Pecan, Almond, Cherry, Apple, Apricot, Fejoa, Pomegranates, Fig, Peach, Plum, Lemon and many more.

Our Veg

At Can Lliure we are working hard to optimize our ecosystem, drawing on a range of techniques and principles, including: organic techniques, permaculture principles, regenerative ideals and soil diversity. The Result… delicious, local home grown veg.

&... Our Eggs

Organic non GMO pastured chicken eggs which have a natural diet supplemented through our organic kitchen waste, foraging in the grass and ecological chicken food.

Small scale farming and gardening as Ecological and Social Activism

We believe Farmers must think for themselves without dependency to higher approved institutional authorities or chemical companies. The immediate rejection of new innovative ideas and practices usually starts with the statement ” but there is no scientific evidence….” although practical results from farmers in the field trump scientific theory in any case.Ultimatley there is no need to worry too much about whether the comma is in the right or wrong place according to whatever mainstream rule book or believe system narrative someone follows.

Large corporation decisions made are based on earnings,market share and growth.Ethics and morals are most often of lesser importance then short term profits.The casualty in the drive for unlimited prosperity and consumption is the flourishing of the natural world and the health and well being of humanity.

“Each doctrine passes through three phases: It is attacked and declared absurd. Then it is admitted that it is true and evident, but irrelevant. In the end, its real importance is recognized and his detractors claim the honor of having discovered it.” by William Jones

Our work is dedicated to all the enlightened pioneers: scientists, consultants, growers, environmentalists, teachers, philosophers and others who preceded us. Without their insights, discoveries, experiences and dreams we would not have been able to achieve our still limited understanding of how food, fiber and livestock can be raised to the benefit of mankind without causing damage to ourselves,other animals and our soil, water and air.

“When living life energies unite as an ultimate objective for our nation, only then can we begin to construct the understanding of the ecology of the soil and be able to benefit from its minuteness and wondrous patience. Nature has no limit on time. She is patient and forgiving. She is able to repair herself from the ignoble treatment of man in spite of his tremendous physical capacity for destruction. As we continue to replace nature, we assuredly prevent the development of our mental capacity to learn and fully complement nature, a requirement expected from us in permission for life.”

C.J. Fenzau