Eco-Sanctuary in Spain | Pyrenees | Can Lliure


Triggering behavioral changes in food production...

Our courses aim to trigger behavioral changes in the way we practice food production and our interaction with self, others and the ecosystem we are part of. We aim to stimulate and facilitated a transformation of our degraded agriculture systems back onto a path of creating gardens of Eden and abundance for all. One of the fundamental educational principles of this transformational process is to apply regenerative agricultural practices developed from the understanding of the processes that govern nature!

We Humans are co-creators and our role as co-creators is no more important than that of all other co-creators of for example the animal, plant or mineral world. Humans have responsibilities to their co-creators, and vice versa. Unless one understands his/her place in the whole, there is always a tendency to move beyond, to glorify, to be driven by greed, exploitation and self-importance.

We will have to regain a sense of humility and realize that we are just one part of an intelligent system and are not the intelligent ones! Through working and collaborating again with nature and her planetary principles we will be able to address deep root causes of the environmental crisis we find ourselves in and together will be able to find long term solutions instead of fighting symptoms. At the core is the awareness of interdependence and the respect for plants, animals, and the ecosystems we live in, and for those behaviors that have assisted long term human survival and evolution within the natural world.


Checkout the upcoming courses at Can Lliure